Teaching Style


Weare passionate about teaching children Islam so that it enrishes and fulfills their lives. From learning the correct manner in reading Quaranic Arabic to memorisation of the Quran, we also ensure children understand the content of what they are reading so that Isam compliments their lives.

At IQRA ARABIC SCHOOL we have, through lots of trial and error, and through lots of innovation developed a unique system and approach to educating children that has proven to be highly effective and efficient. Our style allows for a modern interactive method in which the child is engaged constantly throughout their lesson.

Unlike other systems that require primitive repetitive drills that made Islamic education monotonous and undesirable to many children living in a western society, we have very highly motivated and inspired children seeking knowledge on various Islamic topics.

  • Why we are different?

We believe in daily lessons, and we address each child within the framework of their own desires and abilities.  We have also encouraged a competitive environment and each child is constantly tying to be the very best that they can be.

  • Classroom system (budding system)

To encourage continuity and progress we team students with a buddy system. When we have a strong student who may have completed a certain section, we pair them up with a student who is currently learning that section. This allows for the senior student to revisit their understanding of that lesson, and allows for the new child to progress rapidly. There are no down times or moments where the child is not engaged or challenged with tasks that build a comprehensive mind.

  • Juniors and Seniors Testing each other

We intentionally mix and match students of different abilities and create groups for weekly quizzes and challenges. The children absolutely love this. This allows team spirit and allows discussion where various topics are raised and children learn some things unrelated to their syllabus but immensely valuable to their general knowledge on Islam and its values.

  • Optimised the System

At IQRA Arabic school we believe we have designed a very efficient and successful system that delivers incredible results. We are very keen to open our ideas to the public and to other schools so that sharing of ideas may be exchanged and best practices can be adopted.

  • Praying Together

Alhamdulillah we encourage our kids to study together,  however one of the most exciting opportunities is when we get the kids to form Jamaat’s and pray salah as a unit. Each child gets a turn to lead the prayer and they absolutely relish the opportunity of leading the prayer.

  • Quizzes

We encourage competition and recognise team efforts. We host weekly quizzes and the kids are put into teams and they compete for points by answering varied questions on Islam. The quizzes require each child to answer a question based on the level within the class, and they’re allowed to consult with their team mates in order to get the answer correct. Their points are secured based on behaviour, correct answers as well as a final head to head question. The kids love Quiz sessions.

  • Move the classes about and move the furniture

We constantly look to refresh our settings and get the kids to assist as well. Very often we experiment with moving the children about and re arranging the desks and seating plans in order to illicit best performance from each child. We do our best to avoid monotony.

  • How was system devised?

Having grown up in South Africa and being exposed to their system, as well as having studied in different countries, it became obvious from the outset that a different, tailor made optimised system would be needed in the UK  to facilitate success and to compliment the academic schooling system in the UK. We believe that we expose the kids to daily classes and we facilitate their growth alongside their established schooling hours.

  • Innovation because of previous work role

Qari Ebrahim has always adopted innovative and modern training methods. As former Sales Director of one of the fastest growing privately owned recruitment companies, he enjoyed a lot of success and constantly sought to innovate new ideas to encourage success. Bringing his innovative and flexible career background into IQRA’S education setting has worked like a charm with the kids and they love the idea of changing things to find the best ways to learn.

  • Don’t want kids being bored- need to engage the kids

We believe that the kids need to enjoy attending classes and they need to enjoy exploring their faith and all it has to offer. In current times Islam is often painted in a negative light, and we believe that the kids need to be shown the beauty and peace that comes with their religion and the core values of Islam. Very often we find children confused about their identity and almost afraid to admit that they are Muslims, due to all the negativity in the press that surrounds Islam at the moment. We introduce the children to a deeper understanding of their religion, its core values, its beauty and how best to deal with all the negativity surrounding Islam. One of our biggest discussion points centre around how to be a good Muslim within the UK and how to be the best ambassador of Islam.

  • Social circles – team preparation

We encourage discussion, team challenge’s and engagement. Our discussion for the older kids centre around varied contemporary topics. Amongst some of the topics we have enjoyed deep discussions on are:

– How to best integrate within society

– Drugs and choices we face

– Choosing our personalities wisely, who are we and how do we See Ourselves?

– Sex, Marriage and the do’s and dont’s

– Misconceptions about Islam from non muslims as well as misconceptions from muslims

– Bullying, how to handle being bullied, but also asking ourselves, are we bullies at times?

– Respect, for parents, elders and kindness to younger ones.

– Respect for yourself. The dignity that surrounds you and how to conduct yourself.

– Women’s Rights, and misconceptions surrounding this.

– Death, its nature, dealing with loss and valuing your loved ones.

– Depression

– The Quran, its miraculous nature

– Proof of God

– Islam and science

  • D day – Team Captain (highly engaging activity)

All teams have team captains that are voted for by the teams and we find that very often this produces drive and passion amongst our kids.

  • Transparency

We are very transparent in our approach. We are currently encouraging parents to turn up on invitation to witness our classes and we have had several parents sit in on some of our lesssons.

  • Open Discussions



