Iqra Arabic School

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop a strong Muslim community especially for the next generation. Our desire is to ensure that these kids move forth with a strong Muslim identity and that they become inspirational flag bearers of the real Islamic values.

We have many parents desiring that their children learn about their religion and how to pray and recite the Quran and this drives us constantly to grow our establishment. Education is a core rooted right entrenched in Islam, for every single child , male or female, and we encourage this mentality within our community.

One of our aims is to share best practice with other similar schools. We believe our methods work and produce remarkable results. We are open to sharing these ideas so that kids in other institutions may benefit from our methods as well, inshaAllah. This can be found in our teaching tips.





Many years ago, when my eldest son reached the age of 6 years old, I felt the need to enroll him within an Islamic school so that he would learn as I did the Quran and enforce his identity as a Muslim. I enquired and took him around to several local madressa’s and was unfortunately disappointed with the level and standard of education being delivered. As I was extremely critical, the thought occurred to me that I should teach my son from home. From past experiences I always knew that having a group environment would benefit my son a lot more than just teaching him solo as a parent so I opened my offer to teach to other school children of his age. The response was instantly appreciated and as it was being done informally from my home I limited the number of kids I accepted. Within months the results were unmistakable and it proved to be a resounding success.

The rest is less effort from me, and total momentum from Allah Subhanahu wa taAala. The momentum and demand and desire of other patents compelled me without much thought to pursue the need for a full time school environment for the kids to study and progress and for them to relish the idea of being Muslims in a society where the image of Muslims faces various challenges as a minority group.

We have enjoyed substantial success and have grown year on year and our innovative methods have produced confident and expressive muslim children who feel confident about their identity and their place in British Society.

~Ebrahim Sheikh









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Kids Success Story

Alhamdulillah, we have had several inspiring success stories. We have had children, who have started on Ahsanil Qawaid (alphabets) from as young as 4 years old, with so many children starting to recite Al Quran from the age of 5 and we have had children completing Quran as young as 6 years old. We aim to boost the confidence of our students and encourage progress […]

Teaching Style

  Weare passionate about teaching children Islam so that it enrishes and fulfills their lives. From learning the correct manner in reading Quaranic Arabic to memorisation of the Quran, we also ensure children understand the content of what they are reading so that Isam compliments their lives. At IQRA ARABIC SCHOOL we have, through lots of trial and error, and through lots of innovation developed […]

Meet the Teachers

Ebrahim Sheik, Co-Founder and Principal Head Teacher Sheikh, Hafidh & Qari Ebrahim Sheik began his Islamic Studies in South Africa from a young age and qualified as Hafidh of Quran at the age of 12 years old. Following completion of his matriculation at the age of 17 he began his Islamic Studies for 2 years under Maulana Sayed Alimuddin Misbahi in South Africa. Amongst his […]

Kids Class

Daily Madrasa Children’s class it taught at Cheam Park Farm Primary Academy school in Cheam, Surrey daily between 17:30 and 19:00. The kids class is divided into Junior classes and Senior classes based on ability. It is not based on age. Curriculum Our curriculum has been tailored to suit the society and environment we live in. It is conducive to the limited hours afforded after […]

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Example child has finished qaida!

Example child has finished qaida!


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Growing the school

Growing the school

    We are looking to grow and become a complete school rather than just a part-time establishment. We believe in selling Islam in a positive way.   Future Courses We are gathering interest in numbers in the following areas and are looking to include these into our regular curriculum: Arabic Courses up to GCSE level Hifz Courses Tajweed Courses Qirat Courses Deeniyat Adult Courses […]

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Weare passionate about teaching children Islam so that it enrishes and fulfills their lives. From learning the correct manner in reading Quaranic Arabic to memorisation of the Quran, we also ensure children understand the content of what they are reading so that Isam compliments their lives.

At IQRA ARABIC SCHOOL we have, through lots of trial and error, and through lots of innovation developed a unique system and approach to educating children that has proven to be highly effective and efficient. Our style allows for a modern interactive method in which the child is engaged constantly throughout their lesson.

Unlike other systems that require primitive repetitive drills that made Islamic education monotonous and undesirable to many children living in a western society, we have very highly motivated and inspired children seeking knowledge on various Islamic topics.

Learning Statistics


The timeline to complete Qaida, Quran etc, depends on the age, ability and drive of the child and as each child is an individual, this is hard to predetermine. We do however aim to push the children rapidly and as a quide for an average child we feel the following are achievable:





Completing Ahsanul Qawaid: (elementary level)

  • Age 4-6 —– between 8 months to 1 year before starting Quran
  • Age 6-8 —– between 4 months to 6 months before starting Quran
  • Age 8-12 —- between 1 month to 5 months before starting Quran

The above statistics are merely an estimation and guide based on our experiences, and are based on daily attendance. Your child may have different results to the above shown examples.

Completing of Al Quran – on average 2 years of first Quran completion.

  • The first 6 to 8 months of Quran are very centred on low quantity and intense quality. Following the ability to generate fluency with the recitation by the child we start to push for volume re-emphasising the core rules of recitation that we focus on during every lesson.
  • Once the fluency and quality is established we encourage children to complete their first Quran quickly and this can be achieved within a year.

Memorising HIFZ, all children as part of curriculum

  • This skill is slowly developed and requires perseverance and discipline.
  • We have had children memorise the 30th juz of the Quran within 4 months, however this varies from child to child.
  • Most children memorise at least half of Juz Amma with us and in general it takes an average of 18 months once we start them on memorising. Please note this is not the Hifz classes that we offer. This is every child that attends our madressa.

Hifz Course to memorise whole Quran

This is a very demanding and specialist course that we run alongside of school and requires hard work, discipline and serious amounts of dedication. This varies from child to child however we estimate with daily efforts and drive this can be achieved alongside school within 4 years, depending on the frequency and determination of the child involved.


This is an ongoing subject that never ends and is ever present with the child from day one of madressa all the way to the end of the child’s curriculum. Children learn on different subjects from creation, to imaan, to spirituality, to daily prayers and all requirements that Islam asks of us. We have made it a dedicated examinable subject for children over the age of 8 years old and is done once a week.








